Today is the new moon and I always love to celebrate the full moon and the new moon. Not only does it honour the cycles of our month, our year, but also our reality. I really do try to be connected as much as possible to my own cycles. Whether that is sleep cycles, menstrual cycles, the seasons, or the moon. I was working with a client with her first year in business and she was very stressed that some of the months started to decrease in sales. She had these high financial goals and she wanted to maintain that level throughout the year, but I had to remind her that business is cyclical. We have the high season and the low season. For example, in Costa Rica, there's really two seasons, the wet season and the dry season. We need to acknowledge and respect that. When I first started, I felt it took me a couple years to realize the cycle of high season and low season because I had no idea. Nowadays, I have to remind myself to honour that cycle. Last summer, I really wanted to do a big boost in my company. I did a lot of marketing, and I spent the entire summer in business development and marketing, which brought zero ROI (return on investment). It was such a nice reminder for me to know the cycle of my company. I know when to do advertising and when not to and even if I think I can go against that cycle, it still doesn't work. Over the years, I'm learning to honour my own personal cycle where I have a lot of energy some weeks and I feel like I can conquer the world. I can create anything. I feel unstoppable. Then there's other weeks I feel like I can’t accomplish anything. I used to be really hard on myself for that. I'm now learning that's part of the monthly cycle and I really have to honour that. Some people are very sensitive to the moon cycles. Some children especially have a hard time. They're unable to sleep during the full moon. For me, during full moon I really clarify things and get things done. If there's outstanding invoices, I am on it. Whereas other parts of the month it doesn't bother me as much. I love being in sync because it gives me a lot of compassion towards myself and towards others. It helps me to be in the flow. When I was a lot younger and I first started my company, I almost felt like a robot that needed to perform. I needed to accomplish this and that without ever considering all of the different outside forces that really could be affecting me. And it's not a victim role. I realize it’s that full moon again. I used to also have these fears that I can't show emotion and I have to be strong. Now I'm learning to accept myself more, which doesn't mean I need to cry in front of someone, but I can be a little bit gentler with myself. I can take one day to myself or those are the days I might do admin work, accounting, invoices or something more introverted, instead of my power weeks where I want to be in contact with people. There are weeks I want to sell and I want to connect and I want to go to networking events. I try and honour that a bit more to be more in the flow one with myself and also with the universe. I'm super curious if you really respect your own cycles, and also respecting nature’s cycles, and see how that integrates in your work. Or if you've ever actually noticed, weeks where you're really productive, or you're less productive, or if you're really sensitive to the new moon or the full moon. They say the New Moon is a really good time to write down your goals for the next month. What is it that you want to manifest? This is new energy creating, what you really want. Whatever time of the cycle this is in the world, if you're watching this today, I want you to stop and really look at the new moon or look if it's a full moon. There are apps on that and to mark in your calendar those days. On the new moon you can write your specific goals for the next month. Create a ceremony around that and see if you start to feel more connected to nature or if you feel more connected to yourself. Simply to accept yourself more, accept where you are in the cycle of where you are in that month.
AuthorJADI KINDRED is the founder of Accent Unique Inc. Since 2011, Jadi has helped hundreds of business professionals and entrepreneurs from all industries improve their confidence speaking English. Her mission is to inspire greatness in others. One way of doing this is by her helping people become more culturally aware through communication and understanding. She is passionate about travel, spending time in nature, constant learning, and growing her company. She is a native of Saskatchewan, but in 2008 moved with only two suitcases to Quebec, where she began her new life and journey of entrepreneurship. Archives
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