The big lesson for me this week was mindfulness. It was such a nice reminder to be in this country. The importance of mindfulness back at home is my ultimate goal to live in mindfulness. Even though I work from home I have created a really laid-back lifestyle, I'm still busy sometimes that I don't even make dinner for myself or my partner. Here, you don't have a choice but to be mindful. For example, in Costa Rica, I think there's like 22 venomous snakes. I believe. Don't quote me on it. For me, that means that every step, you actually have to be mindful. We were walking home from a nice dinner last night and in a dark road and, one, we have to be mindful of the really fast cars speeding past us so we can't be in the middle of the road. But then, we also can't be walking in the ditch where there could be a snake. So, it's all very interesting to me to be mindful of every step is mindful. I love that. I love that daily practice. Also, we're very mindful of the ants. There’re so many little ants here. They're little I want to call them fire ants, because they’re so little and they have so much punch. We put our yoga mat down and if we put it on their home the yoga experiences can be very different. That's fun to just be conscious of making sure we aren’t bitten by ants. We also need to be very mindful to keep everything clean, really clean because if we don't clean the honey enough or the counter and I attract all of the ants and that's not our goal. The minute be mindful with my energy. Yesterday I actually stopped and was like, do I have the energy to walk one hour and like 30 some degree, and so humid to get to the river. I just needed some time to reenergize and that's okay. Being mindful of the amount of energy I have. But also this week I'd be very mindful of the amount of time we have. At home we don't even notice a month went by or another full moon, one other new moon. We're planning on relocating and we only have a limited amount of time in our present place. So, what is we really want to do? We don't come back here. What is that we really want to do? And I just think like we should live our life every day like that. Going. Okay, if I never come back and this is my last week, what do I really want to do? And then it puts everything in perspective. These are my non negotiables or I could wait so I could take the chance to come back later. So really being mindful. Being mindful with eating, that's a whole other thing. At home I would throw food into the microwave, and now there's like in the mornings, I call it the ceremony of smoothies. It's something so special to one, walk in the heat for 30 minutes, pick all of the fresh fruit from the market, talk to the locals, exchange money, put everything back in our bags, walk back. Make sure that the fruit doesn't go bad, be super mindful to use the fruit and when to use the fruit. At home I would just buy orange juice like a big orange juice here. No bag of oranges, but here we juice the oranges and limes, cut all the fruit mindfully. I can take this back home I can live like this and have ceremony with all of the meals I make. I normally don't like cooking, but I am enjoying like that's our highlight our day.
AuthorJADI KINDRED is the founder of Accent Unique Inc. Since 2011, Jadi has helped hundreds of business professionals and entrepreneurs from all industries improve their confidence speaking English. Her mission is to inspire greatness in others. One way of doing this is by her helping people become more culturally aware through communication and understanding. She is passionate about travel, spending time in nature, constant learning, and growing her company. She is a native of Saskatchewan, but in 2008 moved with only two suitcases to Quebec, where she began her new life and journey of entrepreneurship. Archives
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