Do you know your priorities? Have you ever stopped to think about what are your three priorities in your life currently? I've heard people say before that their family is priority. Great, that's noble to say and then we look at their agenda. We look at their schedule, and they don't have any time for their family. You may say my priority is my health. I need to be healthy. Okay, great, now look in your agenda. Where do you have those activities, hobbies, or daily exercise routines in your schedule? We may not even be conscious of our actual priorities. Concretely, if we don't choose our priorities, we won't schedule it in, and it may not happen. I'd love to say my goal is to live a peaceful life, but I have to look at my agenda and my day to day. Did I meditate? Did I sit in nature? Did I sit with animals? Did I admire some bugs? If I want to connect and live a slower life, do I notice things around me or am I super busy, running in this hamster wheel? As a family, do you want to spend more time with your family? How often do we reach out and ask our friends how they're doing? I think it's important to put effort to maintain these relationships. They don't just happen. What about maintaining and or finding that deep romantic relationship and partnership. Is love important for you? If you have a partner that you adore and love, do they know that you prioritize them? Do you prioritize their needs? If your relationship is important, you need to allocate time in your schedule to support them, and maybe their endeavours personally or professionally. Take time to communicate. Take time every week to authentically communicate with your partner to share some vulnerabilities, resentments, frustrations, or things you would like to work on instead of them escalating to be so big. This takes time. This takes effort. This takes maybe 30 minutes a week, or do you just watch TV together and disconnect instead of taking that time to reconnect? What about travel? If this is a priority for you, but you're not taking step for your next trip, time will pass, and you may not discover the world. Another one is self care. Some people are burnt out, and tired. They need to work on self care. Where do you put yourself in in your own schedule? The entrepreneurs I work with are very good at business. They're very good at building their companies, therefore I usually have to work with them on self care. Okay, great. You're successful. You are your schedule is full awesome. But where are you in your schedule? And people don't even have themselves in the schedule. When I first started my company, I needed a place to release my anxiety and stress. Every Thursday night I would go dancing salsa and bachata. It was two hours a week where I could just be in the moment, have fun, enjoy myself and be with friends. Things happened in the last two years where we weren't allowed to go dance per se, so I've since shifted my lifestyle to be a lot quieter and more laid back. Before, even if I was exhausted, dancing was a non-negotiable and it was in my agenda. I honoured that commitment with myself because I knew that I would have to wait another week before I get to have that experience again. Education. I'm super big on education. I started my own company based on education, since I think there's nothing more important than being able to communicate with other humans. I highly value learning from other people, reading, being coached, and discovering something new every day. Spirituality? Is that a priority? Morning rituals, walking in nature, meditation, there's many avenues to spirituality and if that's your priority, where's is it in your schedule? Health. We could have all the dreams, goals, and projects in the world, but if we are not physically at our optimal state, then we will not be able to reach them. We may tire out, burn out or become sick. We may develop a disease which will take us into a different path of trying to heal instead of working on our purpose and serving others. There are so many aspects of life that are important but think about three that you want to prioritize. Be precise. In the summer, my priorities changed to be in health, fitness and being outside. In the winter, my priorities maybe relationship, work, and spirituality. You can shift your priorities but be conscious of them and put them in your schedule. This goes back to time management. I used to be frazzled and all over the place with my to do list and then when I finally plugged these things that were important for me into my agenda. All this weight was lifted off my shoulders and I just didn't have this anxiety anymore because I knew everything would be covered. I knew that I was going to be able to honour my commitments, my priorities, and my company objectives. I became so much more efficient. I was having record months and feeling so healthy. I had so much energy and I was feeling proud of myself. If any of my journey can help you on yours, that is my ultimate goal. To help you grow your company but really in a holistic way. In an intuitive way to manifest the dream lifestyle that you deserve.
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Is your heart and head in alignment? What does that mean? I'm asking you if you feel really congruent with what you say what you do what you want. You know, do you say you want something but deep down inside you feel like no, that's not really what I want. That's what society wants for me. That's what my boss wants. That's what my parents wants. That's what I think I want. But I believe we have all the answers inside of us. I do a lot of you know, workshops and coaching and, and courses on intuition. How can we connect to what our intuition really wants for us? I love quotes I've heard before, our intuition is our best friend. Our intuition is our best friend. It wants the best for us. It's your best friend you and then. So I hope just that quote will help you to have confidence. Have confidence that when you feel intuition in different ways everyone receives in intuition differently. There's not one single way. But through these courses I teach you learn how you feel the intuition. We all receive a different how you feel it and to learn to trust and take that inspired action in your life to really live a life that is congruent in alignment to your values, to your dreams, to your gifts. We all have these natural gifts. There are some people who can come to earth and they're amazing healers and they are doctors and surgeons and for me, that's all my gift. If I see blood I want to faint to high anus in an emergency. I'm in shock I scream they have to take care of me I can't I can't take care of other people in these emergency situations. So my gift is not to be a doctor at the in the emergency room and er that is not how I can help humanity. But there's maybe other ways there. I like writing and, and teaching. I love teaching in that I'm so curious and I love learning about others and and trying to help others in different ways. And so we have to also acknowledge our gifts, our natural gifts. That's a huge, I think a telltale sign of our purpose. What we are meant to do. If it's something is so easy for us, and effortless but it can help another person I think that's a huge sign to continue down that path. These are all really deep questions that I feel we rarely ask ourselves. So that's why this channel is is just a nice kind of these. These reminders, asking yourselves questions that that I think are essential for growth and for where we want to take our lives. Intuition has served me so well. And it took years to respect and honor and trust. But it only has given me amazing benefits. When I when I sometimes I'm in my head just this morning there was just infinite choices of when you're traveling. It's almost overwhelming. Where do I go? People want reservations you need to book hotels, you need to book reservations, and it all becomes almost overwhelming and I was very stuck in my head. I was like I can't give an answer right now. I need to stop. Eat some food. Just regroup and I know the answers will come to me. After lunch I went back and everything just doo doo doo doo was very clear and very easy. And it was just a silent Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And for me, you know that I feel very connected and aligned when I make decisions like that. I make these kinds of decisions in all aspects of my company. I write an entire book about this intuitive business connections, how essential it is to use our to honor intuition in business. We have all the answers we need to find our ideal client to, you know, double our company to find the best employees and to become the best leader. I never went to business school. It was all intuitive and I'm really proud of the books I read the knowledge and I always want to attain, intuitively how I run my company was just very slow and gentle. But my goal was not to have this multi million dollar company. My goal and my goal still is to create a job where I can live the lifestyle of my dreams. If that's to go on vacation when I want taken the afternoon. on a Monday off, go for lunch with a friend any time of the week. That's what I value is the visions of freedom that I have some female entrepreneur that's why I love working with entrepreneurs. I am a huge advocate for entrepreneurship. I believe entrepreneurship is really a nice way to be able to create your life entrepreneurship is infused with all aspects of your life. It's hard. It's not a nine to five where your brain switches off it is a lifestyle. Talk about that often. So how to have balance, how to have balance in your life as you're starting a company as you're growing a company as you're even exiting. Your company, if you decide to sell your company, how do you create this work life balance this fulfillment in all spheres of your life, not just career or life is it all aspects of one is if one is you know lacking that will affect many other areas of our life. For example health. If we don't Valley and when I first started my company I did not value health. Probably for like most of my job career in my company. It was more business. My goal was you know, you know, career goals and I didn't have that many health goals and then I realized if I want the vitality and the energy and feeling good in mind, body and soul I need to work on mind, body and soul and I need to prioritize that and work on wellness and work on the health in order for my company to grow. If I'm so exhausted and drained. I have no interest in growing my company if I'm so overwhelmed with stressed with with stress or if I'm not taking time daily to meditate and have a yoga practice or be in nature, or spend time with family and friends. Then I will resent my company. Some days it makes me reminds me you know some days I would be frustrated? Well, there's ups and downs with entrepreneurship. You know, there's this one book, it's the roller coaster of entrepreneurship. You know, it's a roller coaster. And I was, you know, sometimes resentful and frustrated and you're like working 12 hour days and tired and that's when I go okay, I need to put a golf game in my schedule. I need to book a breakfast I love going for breakfast with with a best friend but during the week when no one's in the restaurant, and when I'm there I go wow. This is why my why am I this is why I'm an entrepreneur. And it brings back that appreciation it brings back the gratitude I have for the lifestyle that I created through entrepreneurship. And it's also important you know, I talk in other videos of inner child your inner child often knows what your wallet of course it knows what you're trying to think back that inner child in you. I remember standing in front of all of my stuffed animals with a whiteboard. And I was teaching them and then I would take papers out of my parents garbage bins, and I would pretend them correcting report wishes in I just wanted to do that. And now as an adult, I'm able to do that and I really feel in alignment with teaching you know, when I first came to the province of Quebec, I was able to teach something that was so easy for me which is English I speak english i That's effortless for me, but there was a huge value in correctly really a lot of people really really valued learning a second language and wanted to learn from me and improve. So I taught that it was very easy for me. And so as I don't think it matters almost what I teach, it's just what's easy what I'm passionate about. I love helping and right now it's really about intuition and to wellness and entrepreneurship and self care connecting to ourselves to be the better, the best, really the best versions of ourselves. And so I want to hear in your comments below. Do you feel aligned Do you feel aligned with your head and heart and what does that look like for you know a loudness or awareness just being aware really helps you to first and know and then be able to take the steps to live more in alignment and really all areas of your life. So please like, share, subscribe to this channel. I look forward to hearing from you and see you next time. |
AuthorJADI KINDRED is the founder of Accent Unique Inc. Since 2011, Jadi has helped hundreds of business professionals and entrepreneurs from all industries improve their confidence speaking English. Her mission is to inspire greatness in others. One way of doing this is by her helping people become more culturally aware through communication and understanding. She is passionate about travel, spending time in nature, constant learning, and growing her company. She is a native of Saskatchewan, but in 2008 moved with only two suitcases to Quebec, where she began her new life and journey of entrepreneurship. Archives
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